Strategic Planning



No Results No Fee Consulting

Is your company stuck in neutral and don’t have a PLAN to move your sales needle to get more profitable?  Why pay for consulting that doesn’t work?

Do you feel:

· Like you never have any time to plan because you’re putting out fires or absorbed in the day-to-day activities of your business?
· Intimidated to strategically plan because it seems complicated or too sophisticated than what you really need?
· Frustrated because your profits are down and you don’t have a roadmap to change?

I can get you from fire-ready-aim to ready-aim-fire

With my Planning Model we walk through a multi-step process including:

· Determine what your end goal looks like
· SWAT analysis to see where you’re weak and what your competition is doing
· Brainstorm with your team
· Grid your ideas to prioritize and maximize impact
· Create a reporting system to successfully execute the plan by holding everyone accountable

If you have some of these frustrations and want a happy well-oiled team, click here for a free 30-minute phone call.